mercredi 20 mars 2013

The end!

Hello everyone!

This week is the last one! Sunday we have to give our finished story. But since last time when i wrote a summary on the blog, a lot thing happened!

We have decided to draw our story, because the story will show to students, so we wanted to do like if it was children who drew them. And we have also tried to make cute drawings.

We have shown our story in class. And there was a big problem: the recording of our voices is very bad! We couldn't hear! So, since monday, i tried on my computer to record my voice to see if there was a difference with the computer of Selin. And actually, there is a big difference, my voice is totally clear, so tomorrow i'll see Mary and Selin (Theo can't) to record our voices and we will see Theo friday to record his voice because he makes the voice of Teddy and Romeo (because Teddy and Romeo are boys). 

But there was also another problem: We have shared the work. So we have all done some drawings. Selin, Mary and I have done drawings who look like same, i mean we used the same colors and the same models to draw bears and the panda and also the landscape. But the drawing of Theo don't look like ours. So, today i drew again four drawings to replace those of Theo.

Selin have written the pedagogic sheet. 
So, for our fun activity, we decided to do the one i mentioned in an article of the blog before. And we have found the others activities (educative) about our story. We have made a cross word of five words who are in our story. Then, there are two memory games. One, for example, where it has three pictures and one question, the students will have to circle the good answer. And the second one, (like in our story there is a little dialogue) there is some sentences of the dialogue and students will have to find who said that.

What i think of this experience: I think it was a good experience because of the team work, the sharing of our ideas, the organization and the imagination to create our story.
I hope that students will enjoy it and will understand our story and also learn some new vocabulary. ;)

Hey guys, what do you think about this experience?

See you tomorrow. :)

dimanche 10 mars 2013

Arghhhhhhh !!!!!!

Hi !
For hours and hours I tried to draw our cute pandas and bears for the story... But I must confess to you something...

Confession Number 1:  I am (very very very very very) bad at drawings !

 When my little sister heard my swearwords (!!!), she came in my room, looked at my drawings and said: "Oh my God Selin! Stop this massacre" I hate her! But in a moment of affection and genorosity she gave me help! I love her!

Confession Number 2: My 11 years old sister draws better than me !

Confession Number 3: I hate drawing....

vendredi 8 mars 2013

Technology and its problems

We need computers this semester to create our story, but what happens when computer decide to not work? GGGGGRRHHH!

Last Monday, Selin's computer decided to not open the different files. It was horrible because we really needed the word document where we wrote our story: the base of our work.
Moreover, Theo was unfortunately absent this day so we didn't have any solution except waiting ... and praying that it wiil works.

We were so happy when we saw that the computer was working again :D

A big thanks to our teacher who told Selin that Google Chrome was very good ;)

So, to conclude, technologies are good but only when they work.

jeudi 7 mars 2013

How we "do" / "create" our story

Last Monday, we have decided to draw our story. So we have shared the work. Each person of our group will draw four slides. 

I will do the drawing of the four first slides.
Marie will draw the 4 next slides (the part of the dialogue).
Selin will do the what happens next.
And Theo will draw the end of our story.

We have also decided to write the text on the slides and to read the story in recording our voice. 
Theo will have the part of Teddy, Marie will do the voice of Lucy, Selin will do that of Romeo and I, i will do the narrative part.

This week and the week after we will training to pronounce correctly and slowly the sentences and to recording our voice, we will go in a room done for group work at the library. 

* Is someone have others remarks or something to add? 
If yes, tell it by commentary and i will modify my article to add what you will have said.

Synthesis of our activities

Fun activity:

For the fun activity we have tried to find something original and not complicated. But it's not something so easy! We have all looked for an idea but anyone have really find a nice activity. There is one week Theo proposed to make draw the children, per group, each part of the story, and then if their teacher want to, they could fix the drawing on the length on the wall in order to see the continuity of the story. Mary, Selin and I agreed. So, it will be this activity that we will propose to the children and their teacher.

Educative activity:

We still don't know how to do as educative activity. At the beginning we thought about doing something with numbers or colors but we don't have enough elements in our story concerning it. So, this week, until monday we all think about this problem and we will chose the activity at this moment.

* Meanwhile monday, is someone have found an idea since last monday?

lundi 4 mars 2013


I finally managed to create our first Wordle !
Actually It's very simple when you are Google Chrome ! It's magic ! :)

Let's speak about Wordle...What is Wordle ?

Wordle is a an excellent tool which permit to create “Word cloud”. This provides interactive ways to browse and explore language. 
How ? Let's see ! :)

How Wordle can be useful for teaching ?

1) It can be very useful for teaching pronunciation to students. For example the hardest words can be the largest word in the word cloud and each morning teachers can make a test with the words which are most frequently spelled incorrectly.

2.)It's a good way to memorise new vocabulary. For example teachers can create a word cloud with all the new words encountered in a text.

3.) For High School, it can be also very useful. For example before an exam, teachers can make a word cloud with the most important words or expressions that students must know for the exam.

How Wordle can be useful for learning ?

1.) We can use lots of colours and writting-style. So I think it's very funny and captivant for students... (I read somewhere that young students are more concentrated when there are lots of colours...) :)

2.) One of the advantages of word cloud is that It don't take lots of place.... It's not cumbersome for students. They can stick it... They can't lose it :)

3.) For students in High School I think it's a good way for them to sum up a lesson. Let's take the example of history. For example they can create a word cloud with the main elements such as: important dates, historical characters, ect.

Conclusion: Many advantages of using Wordle !

So what do you waiting for ? Use Wordle ! :)

vendredi 1 mars 2013

Technologies and teachers

I have at home a magazine "Le nouvel observateur: être enseignant aujourd'hui" (it's a special issue)
I read an article about teaching with technologies and it was very interessant.
If you want me to bring the article, telle me and I'll do :)